Ms. Kelly Sullivan
Science Teacher / Head Girls Swimming Coach773.881.5408
Ms. Margie Sweeney
Accommodations Coordinator 773.881.5336
Ms. Colleen Termine
Science Teacher773.881.7407
Ms. Maria Tinoco
World Language Teacher773-881-7213
Mr. Rob Topps
Supervision Moderator773.881.5300
Mr. Victor Trevino
Math Lab Coordinator773.881.7210
Mr. Ryan Tucker
Volume Fundraiser773.881.5378
Mr. Larry Tucker
Ms. Natalie Holder-Vaia
English Teacher773.881.5414
Ms. Erin Vail
English and Theatre Teacher773.881.7391
Mr. Joel Vickers
Science Teacher / Head Boys Golf Coach773.881.5407
Mr. Jordan Vidovic
Physical Education Teacher / Head Girls and Boys Volleyball Coach773.881.5340