Testing Center
What is the Testing Center?
The Testing Center (TC) is available to all students who need to make up a test due to an absence or take a retake AND for students with an Accommodation to take some or all of their tests to ensure a quiet and distraction free environment.
The TC is located behind the Main Office, across from the Chapel. The hours are Monday – Friday, periods 1-8 and directly after school. We no longer offer before school testing.

How do I make an appointment for the Testing Center?
All freshman must create a NEW Pick a Time Account.
- Click on (or Google) Marist Pick a Time
- Login with your email address and password
- Choose date/time slot, then type your name, class name and teacher
- Click Create appointment
Sophomore, Junior and Senior students already have an account.
- Access via Skyward is no longer available. Instead, Google Marist Pick A Time.
- Proceed with login using your new email address: last name.first name@marist.net
Tips and Reminders
ALWAYS make an appointment and notify your teacher to ensure your test is here when you come to test!
You can make an appointment until 8:00 am to test the same day. After 8:00 am, the appointment will be for the next school day.
Double check your schedule to make sure you are available for your registered date/time. We discourage “No Show” appointments.
Set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself of your appointment.
Students need to take their test in one sitting so make sure you have allotted enough time to complete the entire test when making an appointment.
Students with an Accommodation who would like to test in the TC instead of the classroom should notify their teacher who will bring the test to the TC. No appointment in Pick a Time is necessary.
Contact Mr. Ryan with Pick a Time issues or see him in his office next to the Business Office.