Marks of a Marist Student

The Marist Difference

Marks of a Marist Student

At Marist, we follow in the footsteps of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, and are called to make Jesus known and loved through the complete education of young men and women.

We accompany each student in their journey. Our focus is not simply on what the student will do, but more importantly on who the student will become by harmonizing faith, culture, and life.

By challenging students to think beyond themselves, they become graduates who pursue excellence continually to improve the lives of people and communities around the world.


There are five distinctive pillars that define the educational style and philosophy of Marist schools:


Faith-filled Disciples: Marist students come to possess a strong sense of God and a personal relationship with Jesus, Mary and Saint Marcellin fostered through religious formation, a sacramental life, and prayer.

Empowered Witnesses: Marist students, recognizing Mary as their model and companion, become joyful witnesses to God’s love in their lives, enabling them to see Christ in others, to live simply, morally and with integrity, respecting all of life and creation.

Agents of Justice and Service: Marist students grow in their understanding of Catholic social teaching and stand in compassionate solidarity with the least favored.

Servant Leaders: Marist students recognize that they are lovingly created by God with unique gifts and talents which, through their Baptism, they are called to develop and share with the Church and the wider community.

Spirit-filled Members of Family & Community: Marist students embody a spirit which celebrates and welcomes all.

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